Lichfield Accident Repair Centrelarc

Had an accident - Not your fault

So, you have had an accident with your vehicle and believe it not to be your fault. We can deal with the claim on your behalf all you need to do is either fill in the form below and submit it to us or contact our Reception Team on 01543 263377. We have experienced staff that can proceed your claim for you, reducing your stress and worry.

Let us take care of you and your car.
You will NOT have to pay any excess.
We can organise a ‘like for like’ replacement vehicle.
You will NOT have to claim on your insurance policy.
We will deal with your claim from beginning to end.

Please fill out the form for Non Fault Claim below:
* Compulsory Fields

Your Vehicle Details

*Vehicle Registration No: A value is required.
Year of Registration:
Vehicle Make
(Please include engine size & specifications e.g.
SRI, CI, compact, estate, convertible, etc)                               

Your Details

*Name: A value is required.
* A value is required.
* A value is required.
*Post Code A value is required.

Home Tel No: Work Tel No: Mobile No:

Insurance Cover - Fully Comprehensive/Third Party?
*Insurer: A value is required.
Policy No:
Have you reported the accident
to your insurance company? Yes/No


Accident Date:
Damage to your vehicle:-


Name of Third Party:
Vehicle Registration No:
Name of Third Party Insurer:
Policy Number:

Changed your mind return Fault.